@umbravitaeofficial is compromised of members of Converge/Hatebreed/The Red Chord/Lots of others and its music sits comfortably in a space occupied by none of the above. Their debut 'Shadow of life' is being touted as an all out death metal record, but that doesn't quite fit either. On occasion it's more outwardly metallic than the most leather-clad moments in any of the previously mentioned bands history, but there's an airy, ethereal quality that owes more to the likes of Neurosis/Cult of Luna than Deicide or Cannibal Corpse.
What remains is a murky, swampy record that despite being characterised by lumbering, monolithic riffs never over stays it's welcome. It perhaps suffers from being 'neither here nor there': it's too rowdy to appeal to a post metal listener, too cerebral for someone who wants their brains bashed in with some real knuckle-dragger death metal. Maybe one for converge fans searching for a gateway to heavier metal, but there's plenty to enjoy here even for the diehards…
This review was written by the punk rock wizard @nolordshalllive 🔥