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Nothing - Dance On The Blacktop Review


Shoegaze band @bandofnothing released their new record Dance On The Blacktop last week, and this being a followup to their 2016 album Tired of Tomorrow set my expectations high for this. With this being only 9 tracks every single one stands out.

Dance On The Blacktop is a celebration of nihilistic protest, with a strong opener ''Zero Day'' having this clean acoustic guitar sequence then abrasively moving into this grungey bad ass whirring shoegaze riff, which comes right after feedback ringing out and drum fill to get your attention. They really don't hold back on setting the tone for this straight out the gate, Dominick Palmero showcases a soft solemn tone to sing to against all this fuzziness.

The second track Blue Line Baby follows the same structure as Zero Day and on track 3 You Wind Me Up we see more of a jovial tone instrumentally, track 4 Plastic Migraine opens up with an Oozing bass line that pulls you straight in.

Track 5 Us/We/Are sounds like Creep by Radiohead in a sense when it gets to the verse but it has a twisted riff opening the track.

The songs Hail On Palace Pier and The Carpenters Son are both quite similar in tone having this solemn, slow energy to it. Carpenters son needs a full 7 minutes to listen to it but it's well worth it. And the last song on the album Hope Is Just Another Word With a Hole In It is a perfect coda to the album.

Best Song On Dance On The Blacktop

My favourite song on this album is "I Hate The Flowers" it's fuzzy garbage inspired nonsense with some feedback motifs.

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