The problem with Future is that he's got sick production, but he never takes a risk unless it's a Kings Dead styled shriek that should have never made it onto the album.
As an artist I feel Future is very much in a box when it comes to subject matter, lets be honest has some bangers and he is good at what he does, but I'm getting bored of hearing about drugs, bitches , Louis V belts etc, especially from Future, which has pretty much been his career. That's about all I have to say. This album is good, but it's honestly nothing special, I wonder if there's any longevity behind this but I don't feel there is.
If you're going to listen to anything on this album then check out "Ain't Coming Back" it's got that Hate The Real Me vibe he gave us on and some Juice Wrld influence on the instrumentals, maybe that's your thing, maybe not.
Another decent track I'd say is "Baptize" this is future sampling a M Boomin track "Slave Master" from his album DS2. The second part of this song is sick and the sample is actually worked around really well.
This albums good but not that great... The WIZRD is the last album in Futures current major label deal, I honestly hope now he's free that there'll be some more serious projects from him cause his tone and everything else is sound just the content of the songs etc isn't. -
Did you think this album was fire or not?
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