One Day As A Lion was a project which released in 200 from the famous @thezackdelarocha from Rage Against The Machine / Inside out and also John Theodore from The Mars Volta and Queens Of The Stone Age.
WIld International is the first song on that EP and it’s a gritty, distorted attack on politics drenched in Zacs hip hop influence. The hook “Both Muhammad and Christ would lay your body down, To a tune so wild international, In the desert, full of bullets, let your body rot With my chrome, with my verse, with my body rock” Showcases their views to religion and war.
I love the tone of this duo, the instrumentals are so sick, the bass tone is so fuzzed out it feels like it’s just sustaining whilst it walks through this song and of course the drums highlight John Theodores ability on the drums. I wish we got more from this band because they were actually sick, I prefer the sounds of this to Prophets Of Rage, which I love but you can’t beat this.